Money money money.. where is the money?

Sonia Prasad
2 min readAug 6, 2020

Why are we always chasing money.. is money the end of every relationship, every problem, every discussion? Why does every discussion start and end with money.. how much money do you have , how much money did you make, how much money will you make , how much money will you leave behind when you are laid in your grave? If we were to go back to the time when people followed barter system, how different would our lives be? Would we still be fighting who has the most amount of things to barter, whose item is more expensive etc.. why do we not value the qualities of the person rather than the amount of money the person has.

When we leave this mortal body we all need to face the same end, whether we had no money or whether we had millions in the bank, we all end up in the same graveyard. Then why cant we live as equals while we are alive on this earth. Why does money bring about that divide in our social status and our lifestyle. Why cant we live as normal human beings and enjoy the same type of life every other person in our community does? I know I will never find the answers to these innumerable questions. But I must tell all those who are reading this, I will not forgive those inhuman people who try to appear to be more powerful just because they have few extra pieces of paper in their bank account. They will face their destiny, they will die the same death as any ordinary person and that day all their money and false perception of power will not save them in any way. The universe is all about balance, you cannot take even a single penny extra, whatever you take, you need to give it back in some form or the other. So all those of you who have been cheated and deceived by others, know that you will get back your all in some other form. I am sharing this thought because I am very certain about the fact that all that I have lost will come to me through unknown sources manyfold. I trust the law of cause and effect. I am sure about the effects as I have made the right causes.

Be happy and dont chase money, let money and good fortune chase you because of the causes that you create everyday. Stay blessed.



Sonia Prasad

I have been a Banking professional for over 14 years, I am a mother, a teacher, a thinker, spiritual guide and a dreamer.